The Notion Club Papers - an Inklings blog
The Notion Club Papers (NCPs) is an unfinished (posthumous) novel by JRR Tolkien. The Notion Club was a fantasy version of The Inklings. My overview of NCPs is at: I was winner of the Owen Barfield Award for Excellence 2018.
Monday, 10 February 2025
The Voyage of Éarendel the Evening Star - For me, Tolkien's first good poem
Tuesday, 28 January 2025
Where now the horse and the rider? For Tolkien, death (and "entropy") is more fundamentally tragic than evil
"Where now the horse and the rider?" is a poem of the Riders of Rohan, recited by Aragorn in The Two Towers, as he approaches Edoras with Gandalf, Gimli and Legolas. It is perhaps my favourite of all the poems by Tolkien, and indeed one of my favourite poems.
In the recently published Collected Poems of JRR Tolkien (edited by C Scull and WG Hammond, pp 1225-6) is quoted some annotations by Tolkien with reference to this poem, in relation to the Old English lyric The Wanderer from which the first line is derived:
["Where now the horse and the rider"] laments the ineluctable ending and passing back into oblivion of the fortunate, the full-lived, the unblemished and beautiful.
To me that is more poignant than any particular disaster, from the cruelty of men or the hostility of the world.
This strikes me as a profound and startling statement from Tolkien, and one with which I am in full sympathy. What he is saying is that the ultimate tragedy of this mortal life and world is not evil, but death and what we might term "entropy".
In other words, for JRRT and for myself; what is ultimately tragic is the inevitable and unavoidable evanescence of all that is Good, all that is True, Beautiful and Virtuous; all that is best - and every person and "thing" that we most love.
In this life; all changes, and eventually degenerates and dies.
Yes there is new creation, but it is not the same.
There is only memory; but memory fades. And even while memory survives, over the generations and the span of time, this loss accumulates in our awareness.
What Tolkien is saying here; is that even if we consider only the very best of this mortal life, the fortunate, the full-lived, the unblemished and beautiful - considering only that which is good, and eliminating from consideration all that is evil - the cruelty of men or the hostility of the world...
Even then; the sufficiency, the adequacy, the acceptability of our life and world is undercut by the fact that the best and good will move towards the ineluctable ending and passing back into oblivion.
It is from this inevitability of change and death - as much as, or indeed more than, from evil - that Jesus Christ has offered us salvation.
Sunday, 26 January 2025
Charles Williams and Magic
Saturday, 18 January 2025
The Most Reluctant Convert (2021) - Max McLean in a short movie about CS Lewis's conversion
Lastnight we watched "The most reluctant convert" a short (90 minute) movie about CS Lewis's life and conversion - written-by and starring the excellent Bible Gateway performer Max McLean.
It is a meaty and uncompromising piece, which managed to interest me and hold my attention; even though I have read the contributing texts, especially Surprised by Joy; and indeed I've seen several earlier movies that covered much the same ground.
Like many adult converts to Christianity over the past seventy years - CS Lewis's writings played a significant role in this process.
Looking back, I can see several respects in which Lewis's experiences, and his answers, seem wrong to me now - including his experience of having to resist being-converted, his orthodox-traditional-classical theology, and the way he equates being-a-Christian with joining a (mainstream) church.
Nonetheless, CSL (and a few others) got me over the line, which is What Matters!
(The rest was, necessarily, Up To Me.)
I was pleased that the movie's take-home message, spoken by Lewis during in the last few minutes, focused on what was, for me, the most effective of the "arguments" that Lewis made (with Tolkien) - the argument from desire, as it is called:
The final step was taken... It was like a man who, after a long sleep, has become aware that he is now awake.
My conversion shed new light on my search for Joy. The overwhelming longings that emerged from reading MacDonald's Phantastes, and seeing my brother's toy garden when a child; were merely signposts to what I truly desired. They were not the thing itself.
I concluded that; if I find in myself a desire that no experience in this world could satisfy the most probable explanation? I was made for another world.
At present we are on the outside of that world, the wrong side of the door. We cannot mingle with the splendours we see.
But all the leaves of the New Testament are rustling with the news that it will not always be so; that one day, God willing, we shall get in.
Meanwhile: the cross comes before the crown. And tomorrow is another morning.
A cleft has opened in the pitiless walls of this world. And we have been invited to follow our great Captain inside.
Following Him is, of course, the essential point.
Sunday, 5 January 2025
What is our civilization's equivalent Age of Middle Earth?
The Tree of Woe author ("ToW"), who has commented here - and who I respect as a thoughtful (but IMO very over-optimistic!) reactionary thinker, influenced by Spengler, and with a strong interest in Tolkien - has written a big essay suggesting that Western Civilization is now at an crux analogous to the transformations between Tolkien's Second (Numenorean) Age, and the Third Age of the dwindling of Numenor (and elves and dwarves).
Regarding the previous era of modernity and the Industrial Revolution as a Faustian Age; ToW presents a detailed argument that Elendil is the current equivalent cultural figure that Faust was for the era from which we are emerging.
So that JRR Tolkien's fictional character of Elendil is (or could represent) a current analogy to what the historical figure figure of Goethe and his fictional/ legendary character of Faust represented for the late 1700s and early 1800 - and until recently.
Tree of Woe's conclusion is as follows:
Yet this ought be no cause for despair. If the Aenean spirit [i.e. the spirit of Aeneas who in legend fled the defeated Troy to set in train the foundation of Rome - and indeed Britain) or Tolkien’s northern courage means anything, it means that the fight must be fought regardless of the likelihood of success. And Tolkien’s myths remind us that even in decline, there is beauty, heroism, and meaning. The Elendilian Age, if it were to come, might not shine as brightly as the Faustian, or even the Aenean; but it would still carry forward the light of what came before. And in the end, that light—however faint—will be enough to illuminate the path for those who follow.
I think ToW is mistaken, and that our culture is not at an analogous transition of Second to Third Age - but instead at a much later phase during or following Tolkien's Fourth Age (as, indeed, Tolkien himself said many times).
There are indeed genuine similarities with Tolkien's Second to Third Age - but essentially we are at a far later stage of cultural decline; in which the mainstream, dominant a highest status official world view (widely shared by the masses, especially in The West) is atheist materialism.
For the first time in history; we inhabit a world in which deity is regarded as unreal - ignored or ridiculed, and indeed opposed and inverted; in which "the material" is regarded as the only reality; and in which a kind of incoherent but moralistic hedonism is the global ideology.
In other words; here-and-now it is regarded as obvious and ethically imperative that the alleviation of suffering and promotion of gratification ought to be the underlying basis of all ideologies and policies.
(Yet the ruling ideology of leftism is not coherent, precisely because it is essentially oppositional (and opposition to God, creation and The Good can and does take limitless and mutually-inconsistent forms): and that there is a strand of Leftism expressing indifference to human experience, and instead taking the side of The Planet Earth (or the Biosphere) against Men.)
The consequence is that we are in an era of established and increasing value-inversion: which means that what have been regarded throughout human history as the values of Goodness (roughly - truth, beauty, virtue, coherence); have been inverted so that Good is now regarded as evil, and sin as virtue.
We are therefore in a fundamentally unprecedented situation - and in a far-more deeply corrupted and evil situation than was the case in Tolkien's Second, or Third, Age.
And a situation in which the ideal of preservation of this uniquely depraved culture has itself become aversive to the best of people, and the best within each person.
Demotivation has become so prevalent and pervasive that even basic human survival (and reproductive) instincts have become diminished to the point of ineffectuality... That is, when they are not actually inverted into covert or explicit cultural and personal self-hatred, and an active desire for (suicidal) personal and cultural annihilation.
My impression is that ToW recognizes this, and seeks for an antidote to the consequent Demotivation and Despair.
D&D are indeed sins to a Christian - despair representing lack of faith in God's creative power and loving nature, and demotivation representing a giving-up on our destiny in this mortal life).
But ToW is seeking to reconstruct a motivating and optimistic ideology from selected and secular aspects of the past - so that instead of passive (or active) acquiescence in terminal decline; a fight will be fought.
The intent is that decline would be opposed, and a work of preservation and rebuilding begun; on the basis of the new Western spirit - analogous to the Elendil's creation of Arnor and Gondor in remembrance (as as lesser derivatives) of Numenor.
I regard this optimism as mistaken for at least two reasons:
One reason why ToW is mistaken, is that human beings have changed, irrevocably (I call this "the development of consciousness"); such that they neither want, nor could sustain, past forms of human societies.
The future must therefore be something that accepts the given-ness of current basic human nature; and adds to it to restore God, creation, and the world of spirit. The outcome will be something fundamentally unprecedented - not a restoration. But what that outcome shall be we cannot know until after enough individuals have personally changed.
I believe that this developmental process must be conscious and voluntary, and come from the inner freedom of each individual.
A worse society can indeed be imposed top-down, by the ruling class; by propaganda, brain-washing and external incentives (bribes and blackmail). This is indeed what we have seen, accelerating, over the past fifty years.
But a better society can only arise bottom-up, from robust positive change in sufficient individual persons...
That is; bottom-up in socio-political terms - but it is vital to remember that anything Good will be aided by God, via his continuing divine creation. Any Good an individual does (including in thought, in the spiritual realm) shall be incorporated into ongoing divine creation.
The second reason why his proposals do not fly; is that ToW is applying a fundamentally secular analysis to history; whereas all historical societies were (IMO) primarily religious: i.e. they perceived and interpreted the world through the lens of their religions.
Therefore ToW's selective version of history leaves-out that which was most important to historical societies; that upon-which both their coherence was based, and in which their core-motivation was rooted.
This omission of that which was fundamental to past societies is a further reason why this kind of restoration cannot work.
Finally; to add a specifically Christian perspective; ToW is basically mistaken to seek a solution to demotivation and despair in this mortal life and world.
The human condition is (as the ancients all knew) essentially tragic, and anything we can do, even in theory, is merely palliative.
What this means is that - while motivation and hope are necessary to mortal life - no fundamentally secular-material socio-political plan or destiny can provide sufficient motivation and hope.
"The Answer" is to start-with and build-upon a solid basis for hope that comes from the expectation of resurrected eternal life; and personal knowledge of the reality of the personal and loving God the Creator.
Only after that perspective has been established can we attain that hope which overcomes despair.
Monday, 16 December 2024
Only Frodo and Sam, of all the Fellowship, could sufficiently resist the corrupting/ confusing power of The One Ring
On my latest slow read-through of Lord of the Rings; I noticed for the first time, a very clear and striking depiction of the way that the One Ring had corrupted almost the entire Fellowship by the time they reach the Falls of Rauros and must decide whether to turn west towards Minas Tirith, or east towards Mordor.
This is apparent from the fact that - except for Sam, every single one of the Fellowship who express an opinion - Aragorn, Merry, Pippin, Legolas, Gimli - as well as (obviously!) Boromir - say they would choose to turn west and go to Minas Tirith.
"[Frodo] is debating which course is the most desperate, I think,’ said Aragorn*. ‘And well he may. It is now more hopeless than ever for the Company to go east, since we have been tracked by Gollum, and must fear that the secret of our journey is already betrayed."
[Legolas said:] "I should vote for Minas Tirith."
"And so should I,’ said Gimli. "... I would choose Minas Tirith
[Merry:] "It would be mad and cruel to let Frodo go to Mordor. Why can’t we stop him?"
"We must stop him," said Pippin. "He knows we shan’t agree to his going east".
Sam is the only one in this debate who sees matters clearly and aright: "What’s the good of Minas Tirith anyway?"
Going west to Minas Tirith is the wrong decision, and contradicts the plan by which the Fellowship set out.
Yet it is evident that all of the Fellowship except Frodo and Sam have been at-least indirectly (and, in the case of Boromir, directly) corrupted by The Ring, into wanting to change the plans to go to Minas Tirith.
Again excepting Boromir; all members of the Fellowship pledge to follow Frodo east to Mordor, if that is Frodo's choice. But my point is that all the company (except Sam) state that they would choose instead to go west. They believe west is the correct choice.
They say this despite that going to Minas Tirith would be a change of plan that does nothing towards achieving the the objective of the Quest ("What's the good of Minas Tirith anyway?"), and instead adds further delay to an already critically delayed quest.
Furthermore; there is a high probability of disaster from bringing The Ring into a fortress full of Men who are by-far that race most susceptible to temptation and corruption from the Rings of Power (examples include Isildur, Boromir, and Denethor - and the Ringwraiths).
Getting the One Ring out from Minas Tirith might well have proved impossible - if once it had been carried into that citadel.
I think we can infer that this loss of mission-clarity at such a critical point of the quest is likely to be effect of the proximity to the ring, as Frodo guesses ("This at least is plain: the evil of the Ring is already at work even in the Company, and the Ring must leave them before it does more harm.").
The only members of the Fellowship who resist the evil of The Ring, and remain clear-headed about what needs to be done, are Frodo and Sam - who are, of course, those who actually embark-upon and succeed-in the quest.
It is evident that divine providence did well in choosing these two as the only members of the Fellowship who set forth east! Only their un-muddled and single-minded commitment to the job in hand was sufficient for its completion (and, even then, only with the ambivalent/ inadvertent "help" of Smeagol/ Gollum).
The presence of anyone else than Frodo and Sam on the eastward journey to Mordor; might fatally have clouded the mission.
*Aragorn is probably not "corrupted" by The Ring; but feels strongly the pull of a personal destiny that draws him towards Minas Tirith. Thus he is sufficiently confused - perhaps by the action of The Ring - so as to have lost sight of the absolute primacy of the Ring Quest. He is not sufficiently clear that Frodo must turn east as soon as possible - and that this is The Priority towards which everything else needs to be subordinated, without prevarication or delay.
Sunday, 3 November 2024
The Notion Club as a Magical Society - implications for Tolkien's attitudes to magic in the modern world
In the years since I first encountered The Notion Club Papers (NCPs) I have read much about some of the groupings that constituted White (Christian) Magic in England - and the various societies in a tradition that goes back to the Golden Dawn at the turn of the 19th-20th century, through Dion Fortune in the early-mid 20th century, and to Gareth Knight in the late 20th century and his death only a few years ago.
Gareth Knight is especially significant, since he authored "The Magical World of the Inklings" (1990) which was endorsed by a foreword from Owen Barfield; and constitutes a frequently insightful overview of the work (and, to some extent, lives) of CS Lewis, JRR Tolkien, Charles Williams and Owen Barfield.
But Knight does not consider the NCPs - which were only published after the first edition of GK's Inklings book, and had not been accorded the specific and defining consideration of Verlyn Flieger's A Question of Time (2001).
The Notion Club, as depicted by Tolkien, is a magical society; albeit not of the earlier and formal kind (of which Charles Williams was an active and advanced participant) that was characterized by graded initiations, sworn secrecy, and costumed and scripted rituals.
Instead; the Notion Club (written in 1945-6) more resembled that informal, fluid, late 20th/ early 21st century magical practice - sometimes solitary, dyadic, or among small-groupings of friends or colleagues - which Gareth Knight describes in his autobiography (I Called it Magic, 2011).
The Notion Club are described as deploying a variety of spiritual/ magical techniques in pursuit of their goals.
1. There is a "Jungian" focus on dream journaling and analysis, as routes to self-understanding but also to developing explicit awareness concerning unconscious knowledge of spiritual, remote and historical reality.
2. Several instances of what later became termed "channelling", are described or implied - such as when Lowdham and Jeremy speak with the voices of people from the mythical past; or when Frankley unconsciously composes the relevant mystical poem of St Brendan's voyages after sleep, as if "given" to him by another consciousness.
3. Clairvoyance and clairaudience (referencing sight and hearing) are evident when Ramer and Jeremy experience visions of the mythic-past and remote places; and when Lowdam hears phrases in strange languages (he also clairvoyantly sees them written).
There are also mentions that Dolbear has been "training" Ramer, and later Lowdham and Jeremy, in (what sounds like) some kind of method of "lucid" dream awareness, with hints of "exercises" for training and strengthening the imagination.
Dolbear himself often enters a suspended and partial sleep state (hypnagogic/ hypnopompic) in which he remains both aware of the club and of other-place/time visions.
The above list is not exhaustive. There are many indications that - even if not self-consciously so - the Notion Club, which seems to have begun as a literary club, has come to function, more and more, as a Magical Society - as its members develop methods for attaining the altered states of consciousness by which they become aware of, and influenced by, the society and events of a remote and indeed mythical past.
Furthermore; the Notion Club is a "contacted" magical group; in that particular NC members derive knowledge from particular "spirit guides" who might (since they exist simultaneously in the mythic past and the contemporary setting of the NCPs) be regarded as closely analogous to the benign "inner plane guides" that stand-behind, teach and advise the closed and formal (later more open and improvised) magical societies of Dion Fortune (Society of the Inner Light) and the Gareth Knight Group.
I find it very striking to notice the extent to which the Notion Club functions as a real but unconscious Magical Society; in the sense of deliberately developing a methodology of using the trained imagination, altered states of consciousness and inner contact with persons/ beings in other times and places.
This extends to describing members' experiences encountering non-human beings (Ramer's other planets), non-physical planes (discussions of the reality and nature of ghosts), and (what sound like) demonic attacks happening during dreaming.
In sum: although the Notion Club were initially loosely-modelled on the mundane Inklings group, with its focus on literary composition and critique; as the story developed, so did distinctly magical behaviours and aims.
Since the magical techniques are described from a distinctly positive perspective, and in pursuit of aims of which Tolkien approved; it seems that Tolkien was implicitly (although he tended publicly to deny this) far more positive concerning the nature and possibilities of "magic" in the modern world, than might otherwise have been suspected.
Tuesday, 8 October 2024
History of Middle Earth free online
For those of you who have not yet tried reading Tolkien's posthumously published works, you can find the twelve volumes of The History of Middle Earth in rather user-un-friendly - but free! - online versions at this website. A real treasure trove.
This provides access to The Notion Club Papers (Volume 9), The Lost Road (Volume 5), Athrabeth Finrod ah Andreth (Volume 10) and a lot of interesting stuff about elves and dwarves (Volume 12).
If you enjoy these, you will probably want to buy paper copies of all twelve books; but these versions provide a comprehensive taster.
Sunday, 22 September 2024
CS Lewis on immortality
Thursday, 5 September 2024
JRR Tolkien Letters on audiobook, performed by Samuel West
I reviewed the new edition of JRR Tolkien's selected letters earlier this year; and I saw at the time that the whole thing was also available as an audiobook - which was a mammoth twenty-nine hours yet cost me just one "Audible" credit to buy (less than five pounds).
So, strangely, the audiobook of Letters is much cheaper than the paper copy! (So long as you are an Audible member.)
Listening to these letters was a tremendously enjoyable experience - probably more so than reading them. Also I felt that I was taking in more of the meaning aurally, than when reading to myself - perhaps due its being easier to concentrate.
...For which much of the credit must go to Samuel West; who is "the voice of Tolkien" in this production.
Samuel West is a very experienced Tolkien audiobook reader of the Silmarillion and broadly Legendarium material, typically reading Tolkien's text - and has often made a team with his father Timothy - who plays the "editorial role" of Christopher's voice.
But these letters represent SW's greatest challenge yet; since there are so many of them and they lack an over-arching dramatic structure, and because they are letters rather than fictions, and were not intended for publication.
Yet West does a simply superb job! What greatly impressed me was his sustained focus on the reading; on the precise meanings of the sentences. He also made the letters dramatic - full of light and shade; with a wide range of emotions - happiness, anger, tragedy, irritation, the sublime... So that each letter becomes a structured exposition of some aspect of Tolkien the man.
I think this convincing interpretation of Tolkien as a character is made possible by Samuel West's unusually high intelligence for an actor - so that he pronounces extremely wide vocabulary of the words correctly, phrases the complex sentences grammatically, accurately inflects their meanings.
An unreserved recommendation from me - I anticipate relistening many times.
Sunday, 18 August 2024
JRR Tolkien did not finish and publish The Silmarillion because the motivational aspect of his genius had dwindled
It is an interesting question why JRR Tolkien did not finish and publish The Silmarillion; despite that The Lord of the Rings was published in late 1955 and Tolkien did not die until mid-1973; and despite that all through these seventeen-plus years he was insistent that making The Silmarillion publishable was his number one priority.
Much has been written, and truly enough, about the many technical difficulties facing Tolkien in this work, and about his habits of making matters harder for himself by writing new material (and radically changing old material) rather than focusing on the core task of making The Silmarillion both internally consist, and consistent with the published Lord of the Rings.
I would like to take a different approach altogether. This recognizes that JRR Tolkien was a genius, The Lord of the Rings was a work of genius, and Tolkien wanted The Silmarillion also to be a work of genius.
By my understanding of the nature of genius; to do work of genius requires both exceptionally high ability, and also exceptionally strong motivation.
This exceptional motivation comes from within (i.e. is "endogenous" - inner-generated) - and can only come from within. The motivation is focused to accomplish the particular task a genius feel inwardly compelled to accomplish.
Such a powerful and sustained inner motivation is something present... or not.
Because of the difficulty of accomplishing a work of genius, only a genuine and inner motivation will suffice to provide the sustained and directed energies and concentration that is necessary.
Self-exhortation, external pressures, the sense of duty, potential financial or other benefits... these things can be no substitute for a genius's special capacity for inner motivation, directed to do what he "must".
The Letters of JRR Tolkien document the power and resilience of his motivation to write the Lord of the Rings (LotR), extending over more than a decade - and persisting despite many obstacles such as multiple urgent and competing duties at home and in work, World War Two, physical and psychological illness; and his innate reluctance to finish any piece of work, but instead to "niggle" at it.
Tolkien wrote and published Lord of the Rings; despite several longish hiatuses and interruptions - some self-inflicted; but always he would return to the job, again and again, pushing forward over-and-over with the massive task - even as its difficulties continued to expand.
We need to recognize the colossal expenditure of directed and sustained effort that this required - Tolkien often emphasized this himself in later writings, including the Foreword to Lord of the Rings.
My point is that genius-level writing is not only a product of genius-level ability; but also genius-level motivation.
It was primarily a decline of motivation that failed Tolkien in his intention to complete and publish The Silmarillion - at a level of attainment commensurate with the earlier published book.
Such a decline in motivation was, of course, not Tolkien's "fault". Indeed, it is more accurate to put things the other way around...
More accurate to say that Tolkien was temporarily blessed with a tremendous power of self-motivation during the years of his late middle-age; carrying him through from the beginnings of LotR in 1937, at least to submission of its final volume in 1955 - by which time Tolkien was sixty-three years old.
The (apparent) fact that this extraordinary motivation was not sustained over the entire remainder of his life and through into extreme old-age; is simply that such things depend on our mortal and vulnerable bodies and minds; therefore they don't usually last very long.
I think his ability as a writer remained largely intact; in that some of his very best pieces of writing came after the publication of Lord of the Rings and up to the late 1960s. these including Silmarillion themed pieces; posthumously published in Unfinished Tales and The History of Middle earth.
So I believe it was diminished motivation rather diminished ability that was the problem with The Silmarillion.
Tolkien was to some extent unable, and also to some extent unwilling, to focus his motivation on The Silmarillion. This is evident in the memoir from Clyde Kilby, about assisting Tolkien in the middle 1960s - ostensibly to help him complete The Silmarillion.
Kilby reports that (on a day by day basis) Tolkien went to considerable lengths to do almost-anything-else, other than work on The Silmarillion!
But a particularly telling example is documented in the published Letters.
Immediately after the publication of LotR; Tolkien claimed, in many letters, to be unable to focus upon The Silmarillion because he needed to complete several philological publishing commitments, as well as continue the duties related to his position as a Professor of English at Oxford.
However he was due to retire in just a couple of years...
But in 1957 Tolkien arranged to stay on as Professor for an extra two years. This he stated to be due to money worries, related to a modest pension. In the event (as Tolkien realized by 1958) there was no reason to be concerned about his income, because income from royalties on LotR soon proved to be very substantial indeed.
In correspondence; Tolkien said he wished he had known this before taking on the extra two years as Professor - which was not, after all, proving to be financially helpful (due to the effect on taxation of his royalty income). Tolkien said that if he had known about the extra LotR income, he would have retired earlier, at the statutory age.
Tolkien finally retired in 1959, aged 67 - this was now four years post-LotR.
However, in a letter dated 21st July 1962; Tolkien announced that from October 10th "I have to stand in for the outgoing Professor of Anglo Saxon" until the new Professor took up his post in Easter 1963.
Of course; Tolkien did not "have to" do anything of the sort! It was Tolkien's choice - a matter of his priorities, not his duties; and there was no financial necessity.
Tolkien was by 1962 now seventy one years old, and had been fully retired for three years; and was five years post his official retirement - and it was now fully seven years since the Lord of the Rings had been published. Seven years since he was supposed to be concentrating his best energies on completing and publishing The Silmarillion...
Yet, here was Tolkien voluntarily returning to university duties that had stood in the way of his writing for decades, the onerous nature of which he had very frequently complained in his earlier letters!
What I infer from this is that, in his later life - approximately the final eighteen years, Tolkien lacked the colossal drive necessary to making The Silmarillion his priority, setting aside other claims on his time and energies, and pushing through to its completion.
It was this inner lack of motivation, presumably due to increasing age and diminishing vitality - rather than anything else; that was critical in Tolkien's failure to finish The Silmarillion.
Monday, 12 August 2024
Frodo in the tower of Cirith Ungol - The ultimate hopeless situation?
When the Lord of the Rings begins, we see almost everything from Frodo's perspective, through Frodo's eyes. But after as Frodo and Sam leave the Fellowship, and their separate journey with the One Ring proceeds, the point of view shifts from Frodo to Sam.
One consequence is that the situation of Frodo's paralysis by Shelob, the ring being taken from the apparently-dead Frodo by Sam while he is only unconscious; and then Frodo's capture, imprisonment and torment in Cirith Ungol - are all seen from the perspective of Sam; who is trying to find and rescue Frodo.
We therefore hear about Frodo's response to the (apparent) utter hopelessness of his situation; only after he has already been rescued by Sam. And Frodo's desolation at the loss of The Ring is described only for a few moments before Sam returns it to him.
‘They’ve taken everything, Sam,’ said Frodo. ‘Everything I had. Do you understand? Everything!’ He cowered on the floor again with bowed head, as his own words brought home to him the fullness of the disaster, and despair overwhelmed him. ‘The quest has failed, Sam. Even if we get out of here, we can’t escape. Only Elves can escape. Away, away out of Middle-earth, far away over the Sea. If even that is wide enough to keep the Shadow out.’
Frodo's despair at losing The Ring is depicted while the reader is aware that The Ring is not incipiently in Sauron's hands, but is in Sam's possession, in the room and right in front of Frodo.
So, for us, Frodo's cry of desolation is tinged with irony, and we realize that this misery will be brief. We don't, therefore, appreciate the full impact of Frodo's earlier situation - as it was experienced by Frodo at the time.
But if we imagine how matters seemed to Frodo, just a few minutes before this scene; it is apparent that here again is one of those situations in Lord of the Rings where there is apparently no hope at all...
After all; Frodo is in Mordor - far from any possibility of help; in a fortress full of hundreds of orcs who all hate him; and are arguing whether to torture him immediately; or obey orders and send Frodo to the impregnable Dark Tower where he will encounter Sauron himself.
Meanwhile, Frodo is sick from Shelob's venom, stripped and whipped and taunted incessantly; and worst of all he has the "knowledge" of having failed his friends and the world and lost the "precious" One Ring that has a terrible and addictive grip upon him.
It is hard to imagine a more validly despair-inducing situation; a situation more genuinely hope-less. And yet that estimate of "no hope" turns-out to be wrong, a factually incorrect assumption.
Of course; the situation is fictional. But it is nonetheless true. By this point in the story, we are reading Lord of the Rings exactly because of its truth, because its characters and situations are real. So, the mistaken nature of Frodo's despair is a genuine life-lesson for us; if we care to learn from it.
The lesson that we ought never to despair: and never means never, no matter what.
At the practical level, we should never give up hope because we never know all the relevant facts - and some of what we don't know may make all the difference.
At the deepest level, we should never give up hope because we inhabit the divine creation of a good and loving God - and therefore we always can and will be helped ultimately...
We will be helped, that is, as long as we have not given-up hope...
Because despair is a rejection of the reality of divine creative goodness; and despair is what cuts us off from divine providence.
By despairing; we choose to believe that God cannot help us (or does not want to help us) and thereby we place our-selves beyond reach of God's help...
As we see elsewhere, with the self-chosen fate of Denethor - we actively embraces despair, and from doing so embraces evil, and does the work of Sauron.
Significantly; it was Denethor's vision of Frodo's captivity in the Palantir - true, yet incomplete as it was - that was what finally broke his spirit, and destroyed his last hope.
Sunday, 28 July 2024
A "Postal Map" of The Shire by Tom Maringer, 1991
Friday, 26 July 2024
Whatever happened to Folco Boffin?
When The Lord of the Rings begins, it seems as if Folco Boffin is destined for a role as a significant minor character among the Hobbit "gentry" who are relatives of Frodo. If not as important as Merry and Pippin, then at least as relevant as Fredegar ("Fatty") Bolger, or Farmer Cotton.
We hear in the first pages that Frodo had "a good many friends" among the younger hobbits who, as children when Bilbo resided there, were often in and out of Bag End: the first name mentioned is Folco Boffin, followed by Fredegar Bolger, then Pippin and Merry.
Later, when Frodo is about to leave Bag End and is packing his possessions to move to Crickhollow; we are told that "some of his friends came to stay and help with the packing: there was Fredegar Bolger and Folco Boffin...".
By that evening, only the special four friends (i.e. Folco, Fredegar, Merry, and Pippin) remain in Bag End to join Frodo in his final farewell birthday feast - and these four stay the last night.
But through all this there is an ominous foreshadowing of Folco's fate; in that he is never given a single line to speak, nor are his actions referenced...
It is as if Folco was a Non Playable Character in a computer game; or maybe an actor without an Equity Card, who can appear on screen, but is not allowed dialogue...
Because the next morning, as Frodo prepares to depart on his quest; Pippin stays to accompany Frodo on his walk (as well as Frodo's servant, not yet friend, Sam); and before lunch, Merry and Fredegar drove off with Frodo's furniture on a cart.
Frodo has his last Bag End lunch with Folco and Pippin. Just the three of them.
And then?
"Folco went home after lunch..."
Folco went home after lunch.
And is never mentioned again*.
Folco, one of Frodo's very best friends, just disappears - Forever!
When the travellers return to Scour the Shire; we are told about Fredegar's fate during the tyranny of the Ruffians; but we never hear a word about Folco.
Poor young Folco! - forever destined to be a Loose End, maybe a "nod"?...
*Except in the Boffin Family Tree** in the Appendix C, and then only in the posthumously revised version of Lord of the Rings, with its two additional Trees. But the fact that there exists a Boffin Family Tree - alongside others for Baggins, Took, Brandybuck, Gamgee, and Bolger - is further evidence to suggest that Folco was (at some point) anticipated to become one of five significant hobbit friends-of-Frodo.
**This is entitled Boffin of the Yale - who was called Buffo, and describes the relationship between Folco's lineage and that of Fredegar, Bilbo and Frodo. Bilbo and Frodo are descendants of Buffo's daughter Berylla (who married a Baggins); and Fredegar of Buffo's eldest son Bosco via his grandaughter Jessamine who married a Bolger.
However, Buffo's other two sons left no issue: Basso is "reputed to have 'gone to sea'"; while Briffo "removed to Bree".
From these clues I have philologically reconstructed what I propose is the original of the Northumbrian folk song, dance and nursery rhyme: "Bobby Shafto" - Shafto being the surname of an old family of minor gentry, owning several farms.
Of course, the words have been corrupted by cumulative scribal errors over the millennia, but the tune remains the same. This was, I believe, how it was originally sung by Bosco's wife (name unrecorded):
Basso Boffin's gone to sea
Briffo Boffin went to BreeBosco stayed to marry me
Bonny Bosco Boffin
Saturday, 20 July 2024
When Gandalf was beardless...
From "The Istari" [i.e. "the wizards") chapter of Unfinished Tales (1982) we know that Gandalf's name was derived from an Old Norse name list, having the presumed Icelandic meaning of approximately "elf with a staff"; and this is supposed to be a translation into modern English of the Common Speech word of the Men of Northwestern Middle Earth.
Tolkien explains: "Gandalf was not an elf, but would be by Men associated with them, since his alliance and association with them was well-known." And also because Gandalf was observed to have lived many lives of Men.
We also learn that "Men perceived that [wizards] did not die, but remained the same (unless it were that they aged somewhat in looks)..."
From The Nature of Middle Earth, 2021 - in the chapter "Beards"; we discover "the fact that the elvish race had no beards".
Putting together elvish beard-less-ness which was presumably obvious to Men (who, the "Beard" chapter says, all had beards except for the Numoreans and those of other elvish descent such as Aragron and Imrahil); with the fact that Gandalf had been given the name of "elf" with a staff; it seems we must infer that Gandalf had no beard at the time he was given the name Gandalf.
Probably the characteristic Gandalfian beard was one of the signs by which men observed the Wizards had "aged somewhat in looks"?
Thursday, 27 June 2024
Tolkien plus something-else made me a Romantic
Before reading JRR Tolkien's Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings at age 13, my attitude was that of a mainstream, down to earth, science and adventure orientated kid. I was very much a "materialist", and externally focused and driven. My favourite reading was Biggles and war memoirs of fighter pilots
Post Tolkien I became - although I did not know the term - a Romantic.
Although I did not for some decades set aside the scientistic, rationalistic side to my character; my deepest hopes and fears were romantic. From then onwards, compared with nearly everybody I knew or met, I seemed to have stronger ecstasies and hopes, and also a stronger tendency to existential angst and melancholy - in general a tendency to brood on The Human Condition (but especially as it applied to me).
Just on the cusp of my adolescence; Tolkien's work gave me strong and sustained glimpses of "higher things"; and it was my experience of a world of engagement in a living and conscious reality, where there were depths of purpose and meaning not just among human beings but other sentient beings, and all through nature and beyond (e.g. in mountains, rivers, the sea...)... A world and state of mind where both beauty and evil were sharper and realer.
It seems to me that part of being and staying "a romantic" is ecstatic experience of in inner and imaginative nature.
It is this experience of heightened consciousness that - by its contrast with the mundane quality of everyday life; and also by its unsustainability, its brevity - apparently creates the typically "romantic" mind-set and life.
However; it soon dawned upon me that nearly everybody I met seemed to lack either the capacity or desire (or both) to have ecstatic romantic experiences.
Some lived life, apparently, always behind a transparent wall of exclusion of such experiences, self-control exerted against such loss of control. This would include "Normans" and those who emulated them or wished to ally with them. It would also include the classic respectable middle classes, and the (self-consciously, ostentatiously) down-to-earth working classes.
Their appreciations seemed at second-hand, "as if", undercut by a safety-net of irony and facetiousness; consequently, although such people got miserable, that misery had a mundane not existential quality.
The mass of other-people whom I encountered either could-not, or (for some kind of defensive reason, perhaps regarding it as childish, ignorant, a sign of weakness, or low status) would-not allow themselves to have these experiences.
In conclusion: two things at least were required for the unique life-transforming effect that Tolkien had upon me: one was the special quality of Tolkien's work; and the second was my (partly innate, partly chosen) latent romantic nature - which was probably enhanced by my stage of psychological development.
Saturday, 22 June 2024
Charles Williams's false ideal of the mathematical impersonality of love
As if in a last communion with the natural terrors of man, Margaret Anstruther endured a recurrent shock of fear. She recalled herself. To tolerate such knowledge with a joyous welcome was meant, as the holy Doctors had taught her, to be the best privilege of man, and so remained. The best maxim towards that knowledge was yet not the Know thyself of the Greek so much as the Know Love of the Christian, though both in the end were one. It was not possible for man to know himself and the world, except first after some mode of knowledge, some art of discovery. The most perfect, since the most intimate and intelligent, art was pure love. The approach by love was the approach to fact; to love anything but fact was not love. Love was even more mathematical than poetry; it was the pure mathematics of the spirit. It was applied also and active; it was the means as it was the end. The end lived everlastingly in the means; the means eternally in the end.
From Descent into Hell, by Charles Williams, 1937.
Love is regarded as the primary value of Christianity; yet that statement leaves it unclear what is meant by love, and indeed by Christianity.
Speaking from my personal understanding; I regard it as a profound error when Christians strive to assert of love that it is ideally impersonal, universal, unconditional, impartial... I mean the error that love is best to be understood by abstract metaphors drawn from mathematics, physics, astronomy, and the like.
Charles Williams was certainly very prone to asserting this perspective - as illustrated above by descriptions relating to Mrs Margaret Anstruther; a character in the novel Descent into Hell, who is pretty-clearly intended to represent Williams's idea of a modern saint: a genuinely wise and good person.
In this novel and elsewhere; Williams frequently referred to his ideal situation as mathematical, a geometric pattern; characterized alike by precision and abstraction. But in this respect, except for his emphatic and stark rhetoric, Williams was not at all unusual among the main-stream of theologians from very early in Christian history.
Indeed; Williams's attitude seems to me the normal and mainstream Christian theologian's view that ideal love - i.e. the love of God for all of creation - is necessarily impersonal.
This due to the assumption that God as Creator is of an utterly different nature and quality than any created thing; and because of God's attributes of omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence, and God's unchanging/ unemotional character (immutable and impassible); therefore it is supposed that love (like God) is best to be understood using impersonal metaphors such as mathematics, geometry, physics etc.
As I say; in contrast I regard love as necessarily personal; including ideal love, and God's love.
I believe that such notions as universal, unconditional, impartial love are false importations from outwith Christianity - whether the pre-Christian Greek (e.g. Pythagorean, Platonic, Aristotelian) and Roman (e.g. Neo-Platonic, Stoic) philosophy (in the case of ancient Christian theologians); or from oneness-belief/ aspirations of (Western understandings of) Hinduism and Buddhism in the case of theologians of the past century plus.
I believe abstract ideas of love are harmful to Christianity here and now. However; I do not think that such false theology did much harm in the past, in the pre-modern era.
The reason is to do with the development of human consciousness; and the rather gradual but progressive loss of what Barfield terms Original Participation. I mean, that Mankind began having a natural and spontaneous, and largely unconscious, immersion-in the world of the divine and of spirits. But that Men have gradually (over centuries, and millennia) become more self-conscious, and more separated from this divine-spirit world; until now the separation is very nearly complete (except in early childhood).
(This modern separation from the spiritual and divine - and from participation in The World - is sometimes called alienation.)
This separation is also a development of the potential for freedom. But separation means that Men now need to make a conscious and active choice of beliefs, and we cannot (do not) unconsciously benefit from an implicit knowledge of God and Creation (and God's Will).
In different words; Men used to find-themselves automatically aligned with divine creation and God (to a significant degree); whereas now Men find themselves alienated from creation to the point of denying the reality of creation and God.
What this meant was that in the past Men could hold all kinds of false beliefs, including the falsehoods of mainstream Christian theology; without coming to significant harm - whereas nowadays, because our theology is actively and consciously chosen - false theology is harmful; and indeed nearly always leads out of Christianity.
As for Charles Williams; he was regarded by several influential intellectual Christians (especially adult re-convert authors such as CS Lewis, TS Eliot, Dorothy L Sayers, WH Auden; but also a significant following of "disciples") as an exemplary and inspiring Christian writer - and indeed person.
IMO: For all William's many flaws; this informed positive evaluation of CW as Christian and theologian deserves considerable weight.
On the other side; a knowledge of CW's biography (including autobiographical writings) suggests that he found his own religious understanding to be deeply unsatisfactory - indeed tragic to a degree only a hairsbreadth away from despair (and apostasy)... Yet, a hairsbreadth away (i.e. CW remained Christian, and continued to hope).
William's religion was rigorously derived from his theological assumptions - far more rigorously so than for most theologians.
Yet, even among the mass of not-rigorous Christians, assumptions have consequences; and I believe that the assumption that Christian love ought to be impersonal, mathematical, has taken a terrible toll on the faith of individual people... Causing variously disbelief, confusion, disgusted rejection, and opening the door to assimilation of "Christianity" with the abstractions of Satanic totalitarianism.
Therefore, what was (only just) possible for Charles Williams - i.e. to have a false understanding of love and yet be Christian - is probably not possible for those born several generations later and in our grossly-corrupted civilization.
We (here and now) must be clear and explicit that love is personal and inter-personal - and that God is a person, and of the same kind as ourselves - else we will (sooner or later, whether acknowledged or denied) not be Christians.
Wednesday, 22 May 2024
Why the evil of the One Ring cannot for long be resisted by anyone At All
It is striking that the possession of the One Ring is rejected by even the most good and most powerful characters of The Lord of the Rings.
Gandalf decisively rejects the idea of being given The Ring with mingled horror and almost panicked fear; Galadriel is tempted but triumphantly allows herself instead to decline in power and prestige, departing from Middle Earth rather than take The Ring; Elrond does not even allow himself to consider the idea - Aragorn likewise (Tom Bombadil seems completely uninterested, so the question does not really arise.)
What is striking is that it is made clear that the corrupting evil of the One Ring cannot ever, under any circumstances, be long resisted by anyone who could and would be able to use it - and this is true no matter how strong and noble their nature and intentions really are.
This is a powerful conclusion; because it implies that nobody is, or could be, good enough to resist evil - and on the surface it seems to imply that evil always has the upper hand in the spiritual war.
If the One Ring is indeed so strong that the best and highest are susceptible - then there seems to be no ultimate hope for good.
Evil seems decisively more powerful, and must eventually prevail...
But closer examination shows that that this would be a mistaken analysis. When somebody has taken the One Ring to use it, and then tries to resist its corruptions; we are not dealing with two distinct sides of Good versus evil - but are instead already inside the realm of evil; from which position resistance is actually attempting to hold-a-line for lesser-evils against greater evils; but all this happening after the side of evil has been-joined.
The reason why nobody is strong or good enough to resist the One Ring is that by claiming The Ring they have already chosen not to resist its power.
Anyone who claims the One Ring has - by that act - opened the door to evil, and invited it inside.
After that point - with the enemy already loose inside the castle keep - resistance will fail sooner or later.
Tuesday, 7 May 2024
What did Sauron do with the three recovered Dwarf Rings?
Apparently, Sauron reclaimed three of the seven dwarf rings (the other four seem to have been destroyed by dragon fire).
Sauron later offered to give one to Dain II Ironfoot, King under the Mountain; as reward for helping find Baggins the Hobbit.
But Sauron may have been lying.
After all, the dwarf rings "didn't work" as Sauron intended. They failed to subordinate the dwarvish race to Sauron's will.
Instead; the dwarf rings seemed to increase greed and covetousness (already archetypical dwarvish vices), while making it easier to accumulate treasure by trade. That is: If a ring-wearing dwarf traded in lead, he would become wealthy in lead; likewise for silver, gems, or gold.
As the possessor of "the last of the seven" to be un-re-claimed by Sauron; Thorin's grandfather Thror, said to his son Thrain: the ring needed gold to "breed" gold.
So, what did Sauron do with the three dwarf rings he re-possessed?
I see three possible options:
1. Sauron kept and guarded the three dwarf rings, to ensure that nobody else could get hold of them; in particular so that no dwarf could become wealthy and powerful enough to threaten (or, at least, to interfere-with) Sauron's plans.
2. Sauron intended to use the three remaining rings as bargaining chips to buy the cooperation of dwarves.
This is implied by Gloin's account of Sauron's messenger offering to give Dain (King under the Mountain) one of the dwarf rings as a reward for helping to find Bilbo and the (One Ring) rings that he allegedly had "stolen".
If Sauron's messenger was speaking the truth, then at least one of the remaining three rings was still available for this purpose.
However, there is no reason to assume that Sauron's messenger was speaking the truth! It may have been that Sauron had zero intention of ever returning any ring. It may be that Sauron would have broken his promise...
Thus; if Dain had indeed cooperated with Sauron, and the hobbit ring-bearer had been found and the One Ring captured by Sauron; then it seems likely that Sauron would just have broken the "deal", and simply kept the dwarf ring.
3. A third possibility is that Sauron would be able to reclaim the power that he had invested in the three recovered dwarf rings, by means of destroying the three rings in some particular magical procedure.
This assumes that if Sauron knew how to put some of his innate power into a ring, he would also know how to get that power back again in process of destroying that ring. Presumably; because he had access to the hottest fires in Middle Earth in Mount Doom, what was technically possible to Sauron may not have been possible to anyone else.
My best guess is that this third option was the most likely: i.e. that Sauron had, by the War of the Ring, already boosted his own power somewhat, by reclaiming much of what power he had put-into each of the three dwarf rings that Sauron had re-possessed.
Note: The above information derives from The Lord of the Rings, especially Appendix A:III, and The History of Middle Earth Volume XII: The Peoples of Middle Earth.
Tuesday, 30 April 2024
Nicol Williamson's abridged audio Hobbit (1974)
There are (officially) only two (!) complete recorded readings of The Hobbit (Rob Inglis and Andy Serkis) - all the rest have cuts, thereby (almost-inevitably) removing some of my personal favourite parts.
Sunday, 21 April 2024
Tolkien gave a lecture about The Notion Club Papers in Stonyhurst seminary, March 1946
Oronzo Cilli has found a description of a lecture JRR Tolkien gave at the Roman Catholic boarding school of Stonyhurst, in Lancashire (where his son John had been a member of staff); on the evening of 31st March 1946 - the day before leaving after a week's working holiday.
The description was made in a register by someone who attended the lecture; who reports that Tolkien said he had been working on The Notion Club Papers since 1945 (fitting with the chronology established by Christopher Tolkien).
The lecture was apparently on Part One of the NCPs as published in The History of Middle Earth, Volume 9; and included reading from the work-in-progress, since the report notes:
The book was a clear skit on, the well know publications of Mr. H. G. Wells. Mr. Wells in his books has often portrayed life in the planets and the means of getting there by specially constructed rockets etc. Professor Tolkien in his book has stressed more the mental side than the material and has marked his characters to reach the planets by means of the mind.
The use of "skit" demonstrates the humorous nature of this early part of the work, at this point - and how it was received by the audience.
The report also notes that Tolkien: "was scarcely audible to most of the people in the House" - an oft-complained-of deficiency!
As often happens, the Question and Answer session seems to have drifted off-topic!
In the questions that followed, it was plain to see that some members of the house had missed the whole point of the paper, because the majorities of questions put were irrelevant dealing with the psychological aspect of dreams rather than the actual book itself.
A separate notice in the Stonyhurst college magazine adds:
This meeting was chiefly remarkable for question time, where the discussion turned mainly upon dreams and was the occasion of interesting confessions by members of the audience, although we would have been spared these self-revelations had more of the listeners grasped the real point at issue.
While the reporter was apparently rather irritated by the nature of the Q&A, it is understandable that the strange accounts of dreams and "remote viewings" in this part of the NCP, might attract more interest than the, rather technical and professional, discussions of the nature of science fiction travel!
Wednesday, 27 March 2024
Review of Tolkien's Faith: a spiritual biography by Holly Ordway (2023)
Holly Ordway. Tolkien's Faith: a spiritual biography. Words on Fire: Washington, DC, USA. 2023. pp 480 total: 365 pages of text, plus appendices and index; plus 72 photographic plates.
The publication of Tolkien's Faith is a significant event, because it provides substantially more information on JRR Tolkien's biography than has existed before about an aspect of his life - and work - that he himself often stated to be of prime importance.
It also provides a properly contemporary Roman Catholic context for his religion - which may be almost as valuable for modern Catholics as it is for non-Catholics; since the Church of Tolkien's childhood, youth and mature adult life, was a very different environment than it began to become during the last decade of Tolkien's life.
This divergence of practices from the Catholicism of Tolkien's prime has continued over the past half-century - so that a good deal of information and explanation is now needed to help modern people understand what being a devout Roman Catholic actually meant for Tolkien and his generation.
Where this book really makes a difference is in understanding Tolkien's later childhood and youth, in that vital period between the death of his mother - when he and his brother were orphaned - and going up to Oxford.
This period has been well covered (especially by John Garth, in Tolkien and the Great War) in terms of his experiences at King Edward's school in Birmingham. But Holly Ordway brings a new dimension to the non-school aspects of the Tolkien' brothers'life, who were in the very unusual situation of being orphans raised by a guardian, Father Francis, who was a priest at the Birmingham Oratory.
Ordway describes the history and nature of the Oratory - about which I had previously been very hazy. It was founded by the famous Church of England ("Tractarian") to Roman Catholic convert John Henry Newman - who later became a Cardinal, the founder of University College, Dublin; and later still has been canonized. Father Francis had been a colleague of Newman - so Tolkien had a personal link to the great man.
The Oratory itself was not a monastic institution, but encouraged each of the Fathers to develop his individual talents and vocation, while aiming at an atmosphere of friendship and mutual support among the 15-20 priests in residence. Therefore the Tolkien brothers had the tremendous benefit not only of Father Francis's personal love and (generous) support; but they also had a surrogate family among the Fathers - with whose devotional life the boys were intimately involved.
That this upbringing was meaningful and important to JRR "Ronald" Tolkien, and regarded with affectionate gratitude, is evidenced by the fact that he maintained lifelong and close personal contact with Father Francis (who often visited the Tolkien family, and went on holidays with them); and also the Oratory itself - which ran a boarding school where all three of JRRT's sons were later educated.
The focus on Tolkien's faith brings-out a very important aspect of his character which I had missed: forgiveness.
While it has long been known that Tolkien blamed his relatives for ostracizing his widowed and impoverished Mother (and therefore the two boys) after her conversion to Roman Catholicism. For instance, during the months when Tolkien's mother Mabel lay dying, only one relative visited her: even Mabel's parents apparently refused to see their dying daughter!
Ordway points-out that this trauma did not prevent the later development of warm and lasting relationships between Ronald and these same relatives in later years. In other words; despite that he (very reasonably) regarded them as at-fault; Tolkien forgave his relatives, and showed no sign of harboring continued resentment against them.
This insight is typical of Holly Ordway's strengths as a biographer and scholar - her eye for the significant detail that reveals character, or sheds light on a question.
An example is the section on Lembas, or waybread. She describes how, before Lord of the Rings, the English word "waybread" was only used to refer to the English meadow and garden plant called Plantago major or plantain.
(We used to play with a type of plantain as children, in a competition we termed "spuds", and that is similar to "conkers" - whereby each child would try to use one plantain to swipe-off the black flower-seed-head from another.)
Waybread makes sense in the context of LotR as "food for a journey", but "waybread" is also the semantic equivalent of the Latin word viaticum (provision for a journey - i.e. the metaphorical journey of death); which is a term for the Blessed Sacrament (i.e. the Bread of Holy Communion) when given to a dying person.
Ordway then describes how the wheel has now turned full circle! The Oxford English Dictionary currently records not just Tolkien's use of "waybread"/ lembas in Lord of the Rings; but also notes that waybread is today being used as a term for The Eucharist - with the first illustrative quotation being from a letter by Tolkien!
Despite the rich detail throughout, there were a few omissions that might be addressed by future biographers.
One is the matter of Tolkien's apparently intense interest in "paranormal" or supernatural phenomena, which is mentioned in some accounts of Inklings meetings, and evident in The Notion Club papers. Phenomena such as ghosts, psychometry, lucid dreams, previsions of the future and visions of history, and auditory hallucinations of unknown languages. Some of these were confirmed by Christopher to be based on personal experience.
There is much discussion of marriage in Tolkien's Faith; but I suspect, there is more to be said on this matter. Tolkien's own marital difficulties during middle age have been known in general terms since Carpenter's biography of 1977; but the specific nature of these difficulties and the consequences remains unreported (so far as I know).
Furthermore, given Tolkien's strict and orthodox Catholic beliefs on the subject; I presume that Christopher Tolkien's divorce and re-marriage must have been a very difficult matter for JRRT to cope with - but nothing at all is mentioned of this matter.
So - there is (of course!) significant work still to be done on the faith and spiritual life of JRR Tolkien.
One pregnant suggestion made by Ordway is that Tolkien's physical, and secondarily psychological, health seems permanently to have been damaged by the prolonged and severe "trench fever" that affected him during the Battle of the Somme and throughout the rest of the war. I am sure she is correct about this - there seem to be many references in letters and the Chronology (made by Hammond and Scull) to weeks long spells of debilitation and prostration. Here is a subject for further and detailed study!
In the meanwhile; this biography by Holly Ordway is a major, indeed definitive, contribution to understanding the Christianity of a man who has turned-out to be perhaps the most widely-influential English Catholic of the twentieth century.